Unfortunately, we live in a time and age where the most time consuming activity we have is WORK. Some of us, if not most, of even bring some of it home. It's so ubiquitious in time and space that finding other things to do necessitates sometimes so much energy that I could easily resign myself to living the rest of my life in a hammock... but with family, in laws, friends and my appetite to feed, the hammock must sadly wait.
So I come to the point of my rant.
Our curiosity for new products, new ways of cooking, new associations must be and remain our passion, our drive, and in my case, my therapy...
So being (as usual) having been caught by time, and having six people waiting for diner when i got home, checke the fridge. Lots of Chianti... a buch of fading basil.
So you chop up the basil as finely as possible, mix it with enough garlic to give you a killer breath for 3 days, as much parmasan you can grate between two glasses of wine, and a good 3 soupspoons of your best olive oil per person. Black pepper by the ton and a sprinkle of salt. Make your spag al dente.
[My friend A-M [ak!] always told me that pasta puts you in a good mood. How right she was]
Mix, serve, laugh, enjoy.
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