I've only encountered these little red peppers in Italy.
They're sweet, crunchy and not spicy once you've taken all the seeds out.
The best way that i found to appreciate them is as a bitesize aperetif.
Rinse them, chop their tops off, deseed them, and quater them. You then make a filling based on cream cheese in which you add virtually any herb or spice... keep to one spice/herb at the time, as mixes tend to kill off the taste of the pepper.
Cream cheese mixes welll with mint / basil / parsley & garlic / lemon / honey & rosemary / cumin & corriander / cumin & orange zest & sultanas...
go for it !
Oh ! they have a sun dried version too that is quite HOT !
but once hydrated and mixed with three times it's quantity in dried tomato, black olives, 2 cloves of garlic, and some olive oil, you can either use it as pasta salsa or just spread it on warm toast.