vendredi 1 août 2008

Most excellent fast food

First, i must apologize for the poor quality of the picture, both technically and aesthetically... but i'd gone through most of my dish before i'd actually thought of photographing it. I will re-cook it one day and take a decent snap.
Anyway, back to fast food. This is fast and damn good for your health and weight.
Here goes.
First make up the sauce : boil up some a pint of bonito broth. Add a couple of table spoons of soya and a couple of sugar. When everything is diluted and tastes good take off the heat.
Then cut your solid tofu into cubes. Cover them in cornflour, then drop them in very hot oil for a couple of minutes. Serve in a bowl with a bit of your broth and chopped scallion.
yep, it's damn good.

1 commentaire:

Pete a dit…

Ahhh, tofu my favourite food. Thks for the good and simple recipe.
Please chk out some of the food at my newly started site
and vegetarian at